Ep 56: All You Need for Weight Loss During The Holidays

You really can enjoy yourself and continue to lose weight during this holiday season.  I share exactly how you do this with the Weight Loss for Fertility Holiday Primer.

This episode is a bit different in that I’m pointing you to last year’s Holiday episodes.  They are GOLD and really set you up for success for the Holidays.  It can be an annual event, like watching A Charlie Brown Christmas (or in my case Elf–my fav).  So grab a notebook and get ready to binge listen to episodes 4 through 7! 

You’ll come away with the support you need to approach the holidays with self-compassion so you can experience enjoyment rather than guilt or regret.


These 4 episodes together create Your Weight Loss for Fertility Holiday Primer and cover:

  1. Why holidays are the best time for weight loss
  2. 3 steps for creating your best holiday yet
  3. Handling holiday parties
  4. Strategies for finding non-food relief from holiday blues


I’m always happy to answer your questions–holiday themed or not–find me on instagram.com/stephaniefeinmd

Big Holiday hugs for you. 

You’ve got this.

Listen to the episodes mentioned right here:

Ep 4: Holiday Time - Decisions: https://www.stephaniefeinmd.com/podcasts/weight-loss-for-fertility/episodes/2147830023

Ep 5: Holiday Parties - How To: https://www.stephaniefeinmd.com/podcasts/weight-loss-for-fertility/episodes/2147832578

Ep 6: Holiday Time - Best Idea Ever


Ep 7: Holiday Blues


Links & Resources:

IG: @stephaniefeinmd 
