Ep 57: Hey Sugar!

The holidays can be extra challenging for those of us who want to lose weight. With the busyness, disrupted routines, and special food opportunities--parties, office treats, family tradition foods, and food gifts–it’s a wonder we even try.

Well, you’ve come to the right place for love and support for your weight loss journey especially through the Holidays!  The next couple of episodes will show you the way and in this one we tackle sugar. 

I cover all you need to know to get you through those cookie bake-offs.

We dig into:

  1. How sugar works in your body and how it affects people differently
  2. What to do when you struggle with sugar cravings
  3. How to deal with a sugar binge if/when it happens

As a reminder: We always do everything with a boatload of compassion.  It’s the only way to get results that last.  And it feels a whole lot better in the process ;) 

I’m happy to answer your questions–holiday-themed or not–find me on instagram.com/stephaniefeinmd.  

xx, Happy Holidays!

Links & Resources:

IG: @stephaniefeinmd 
