Ep 60: DIET is a Four-Letter Word

Happy New Year!! Are you thinking about starting a diet today? You’re not alone. The New Year is synonymous with dieting, and with traditional dieting often comes restriction and deprivation, punishment and judgment. 

However, this diet culture and mentality does not help us sustainably lose weight OR improve our relationship with food. In fact, it’s not possible because punishing and restricting does not create lasting change. 

So what is the answer to permanent weight loss? Something that may feel entirely counterintuitive. We make these changes through love. Because changes that are loved into being last.

Be sure to tune into this episode, especially if you’ve ever struggled with traditional dieting and the trauma that often accompanies it. You do not have to stay stuck in yo-yo weight gain or feel the pain of self-blame and shame. Doing it the way I describe feels a whole lot better all the way down the scale. 

I’m here to help you every step of the way! If this sounds like something you’re ready for, go to my website stephaniefeinmd.com, and click Lose Weight With Me, or DM me on Instagram at instagram.com/stephaniefeinmd. Sending you so much love for a healthy and happy New Year!


Links & Resources:

IG: @stephaniefeinmd 
