Ep 65: Loving Up Your Future Self Helps You Lose Weight

What and who is your future self, and how in the world do you “love” on her in order to lose weight easily? In the next 20 minutes, your future self will have more information and tools to help set you up for success, not only with weight loss, but anything else you want for your life by showing you how to build a loving, trusting relationship with yourself. Caring about your own experience in the future makes it easier to take action today. In this episode we learn how to develop this relationship and I’ll show you how creating a positive feeling spiral keeps us in forward actions towards our goals. This makes weight loss so much easier and drama-free. I would love to hear your thoughts, and what you’re doing today to set your future self up for success! Reach out to me on my website stepheniefeinmd.com or find me on IG @stephaniefeinmd. Links & Resources: Ep 16: Guilt Free Eating - https://www.stephaniefeinmd.com/podcasts/weight-loss-for-fertility/episodes/2147888760 Ep 45: The Shortcut to Easier Weight Loss - https://www.stephaniefeinmd.com/podcasts/weight-loss-for-fertility/episodes/2148134117 IG: @stephaniefeinmd www.stephaniefeinmd.com