Ep 72: Do You Trust Yourself Around Food?

If you’ve ever worried about meeting friends for Happy Hour when you’re trying to lose weight . . .

If you’ve ever avoided bringing home Oreos from the market . . .

If you’ve chosen Italian instead of Mexican so you didn’t have to sit in front of the basket of tortilla chips . . .

Then this episode of the Weight Loss for Fertility podcast is for you.

I’m sharing the powerful tool that will help you most in these (and similar) situations.

A trusting relationship with yourself is the key to sustainable weight loss – someone you can depend on, who will treat you kindly no matter what, knowing you have done your very best given everything that was going on.

This can become your reality.

In this episode I show you how to build this for yourself--no matter how damaged the relationship might be from restrictive and depriving diets in the past.

It’s easier than you think.

This is what I help my clients do. I can help you too – find me on Instagram at  instagram.com/stephaniefeinmd or on my website: stephaniefeinmd.com  

Links & Resources:

IG: @stephaniefeinmd 
