Ep 76: Is Mealtime the Highlight of Your Day?

If food is the highlight of our day…then, truth be told, we need to find a way to have a better day!

Sustainable weight loss is only possible when food can take its rightful place in our day and life. Experiencing joy, pleasure and purpose in other parts of our day helps right size the food portion.

Enjoying our food is a wonderful part of being on the planet, but when we’re relying on food for the majority of our pleasure, it makes weight loss so much more difficult.

In this episode of the podcast, I share some practical tips for increasing the joy in your non-food life so that your delicious meal pales in comparison. 

When you prioritize creating a fulfilling and enjoyable life, permanent weight loss becomes so much easier.

There is joy and pleasure beyond the dinner plate, my friend, and I’m here to help you find it so food can fuel your life instead of control it.  

Reach out and connect with me on Instagram at instagram.com/stephaniefeinmd or my website stephaniefeinmd.com and lose weight with me now. 

Links & Resources:

IG: @stephaniefeinmd 
