Ep 69: Hunger Scale Spotlight: +2

Today’s episode is the foundation and KEY to the hunger scale.  While each number is a whole world unto itself, +2 is the one that makes stopping overeating so much more simple and straightforward. This episode is all about +2--satisfied, not full.

Here are 3 vital points to know about +2 on the Hunger Scale:

  1. Discomfort after eating means something has gone wrong. Nausea - Heartburn - Fullness- Bloating….these things are NOT normal.  You should never be so full you’re uncomfortable.
  2. Satisfied can be a tricky word, sometimes I use the word "enough". The important thing to mention here is that we are referring to the body's definition of satisfied/enough--NOT the brain's.
  3. Getting to +2 doesn't take that much food, especially compared to what we may think due to societal norms and conditioning with food.

Imagine if you always felt well in your body, always ready to go…fueled, not weighed down.

It's possible by listening for your +2, and I will teach you how in this episode!! 

 If you have any questions about this or anything weight loss for fertility in general, reach out to me on Instagram @stephaniefeinmd or come visit my website and talk to me, stephaniefinemd.com.


Links & Resources:

Ep 2: Hunger Scalehttps://www.stephaniefeinmd.com/podcasts/weight-loss-for-fertility/episodes/2147828528

Ep 21: Hunger Scale Spotlight: -1 (handling discomfort)https://www.stephaniefeinmd.com/podcasts/weight-loss-for-fertility/episodes/2147911958

Ep 34: Hunger Scale Spotlight: +3 (full): https://www.stephaniefeinmd.com/podcasts/weight-loss-for-fertility/episodes/2147978496

Ep 47: Hunger Scale Spotlight - The Extremes -5 & +5https://www.stephaniefeinmd.com/podcasts/weight-loss-for-fertility/episodes/2148186849


IG: @stephaniefeinmd 
