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What's Your Maintenance Type?

Jul 24, 2019



When I found out I was pregnant for the first time, after the joyful tears and the shocking realization that we were going to have a BABY (!), I went right out and got the book, What to Expect When Your Expecting.


But I found I rarely cracked it open.


Instead I poured over the baby and parenting books. The ones that taught you what to do once the baby was out. It was so clear to me that the tough part was coming on the other side of the pregnancy.


Weight loss and maintenance are the same way. Weight loss is the pregnancy and maintenance is raising the kid.


Compared to maintenance, weight loss is short lived no matter how long it takes to lose the weight.


Maintenance is forever.  Just like being a parent.


In the beginning it feels delicate and takes loads of attention and energy. There’s a lot of learning and experimenting.


Missed opportunities and perfect moments.


Then as the years progress, there’s an easing, a routine develops and you gain confidence as you’ve gotten to know each other better. Decades go by and you barely remember the specific struggles.


There’s still some effort required, always will be, but it’s all worth it.


Focusing on the weight loss phase to the exclusion of the maintenance phase will have you re-gaining pretty darn quick.


Preparing for maintenance from the beginning of your weight loss journey will give you the best chance at staying the course.


Because, successful maintainers can lose weight any way they like, as long as they have a plan for transitioning from diet to the rest of life and a system in place for long-term support.


That’s where Maintenance University comes in.


Maintenance University is a (virtual) place where maintainers can gather to get enthusiastic support, questions answered and access to proven strategies that make maintaining your weight loss a breeze.


The best first step to connect with MU is to find out YOUR current Maintenance Type.


There are 4 distinct Maintenance Types:

  • The Rebounder
  • The Drifter
  • The Floater
  • The Manager


Your Type will reveal your maintenance tendencies right now, whatever stage of weight loss you’re in. From there, with your new awareness, you can focus on your danger zones and strengthen your chances of maintaining for life.


Take the short quiz here:  MAINTENANCE TYPE QUIZ


In the following weeks, more on the specific Types and what they mean for you.