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Where Does Lost Fat Go?

Aug 08, 2018



First try clicking the video above to play it, but if that doesn't work click this link: Watch the video here


In this fantastic TED talk by physicist, Ruben Meermen, you will learn exactly what happens to the fat you lose--and I bet it's not what you think!  Well worth the 21 minutes . . .


Here's what you can expect minute by minute:

1:45   What do we think happens to fat when we lose it?

3:45   Chemical formula for human fat

4:45   The equation for fat metabolism

7:20   How much sugar do you drink in one soda?  Yikes!

9:15   What poop is actually made of

9:50   Watch a really cool CO2 demonstration!

13:00  Ruben's BIG FAT Question

15:25  Another cool science demonstration

16:40  The ANSWER!

17:10  Why you might lose more weight during exercise

17:30  Three great FAQs - nice science nuggets to impress your friends :)


Was this news to you?  Where did you think lost fat went?  Isn't science interesting!?

Let me know what you think in the comments section.   I'd love to hear from you!