Past Blog/Videos

Why Do I Regain Weight After Dieting? Mar 11, 2020



March is Maintenance Awareness Month here at Maintenance University and we’re going back to the basics.


Last week we defined Weight Loss Maintenance answering the question, What is Maintenance?


This week we look at a Why . . . why is weight regain so common...

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What To Do When The Number on the Scale Starts Going Up Feb 19, 2020




Maintaining weight loss is not for the faint of heart.


There are a million ways to lose weight, but only one way to keep it off.


Maintenance is best done using, among other things, data and accountability.


We need basic information on a regular basis so...

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What's Your Maintenance Type? Jul 24, 2019



When I found out I was pregnant for the first time, after the joyful tears and the shocking realization that we were going to have a BABY (!), I went right out and got the book, What to Expect When Your Expecting.


But I found I rarely cracked it open.


Instead I poured...

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